10:00AM Girlfriends
10:30AM Girlfriends
11:00AM One on One


Vegetable Fonio Jollof | Global Gourmet



  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • 1 large white onion, diced
  • 2 shallots, diced
  • 2 large carrots, diced
  • 1 tablespoon ginger paste
  • 2 cups shiitake mushrooms, cleaned and chopped
  • ½ jar of EssieSpice LOFF Sauce
  • 1 cup of fonio
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 cup water


Preparation 1. Add coconut oil to a large sauce pan on medium heat. 2. Add onion and cook down for a few minutes until they look soft and glossy. Then add the shallots and continue to cook for another five to ten minutes. 3. Add the carrots and ginger paste and continue to cook for 10 more minutes. 4. Add the mushrooms and cook until they soften then add half the jar of LOFF Sauce and allow to simmer for a few minutes. Add salt to taste. 5. Add fonio and stir until even. Add water and cook for about 5 to 10 minutes covered with foil and a lid. Once finished, remove off heat, fluff with a fork, and serve