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Kamala Harris Talks Family & God “Your Faith Is A Verb”

Vice President Kamala Harris Visits Lusaka, Zambia

Source: Kent Nishimura / Getty


I was raised to also believe, you know, your faith is a verb. It’s not just, you know, going to church on Sunday, it’s about how you live your life.” Those are very important words from Madam Vice President Kamala Harris on how faith has played a huge part in her life, both personally and professionally.



In part three of Get Up! Morning’s with Erica Campbell’s exclusive interview with the VP, Harris talks about family and faith. Harris tells Erica,” You know, it’s interesting. We’ve probably, so many of us, especially in the last few years, because of the pandemic in particular. There have been a lot of different moments that have probably challenged our faith, and I think that’s when you have to really dig the deepest yes to really reconnect with that and then you come out of it stronger I know that’s been my experience and I thinkti’s probably more universal than we than we realize.”

Harris also talks about going back to her alma mater, Howard University “as much as possible.” President Joe Biden recently gave the commencement speech at Howard’s 2023 Graduation so this administration has really shown up for HBCUs. Harris extends visits to HBCUs all over the country and speaks to future leaders in our country. Harris tells Erica, “I when I go to Howard (or) when I go to any of our schools, Spelman, Morehouse at Tennessee State When I go to these schools, I will tell you I see these young leaders and I know the future of our country is so bright. They are smart. They have optimism. They have vision, they have grit, and they’re prepared to get out there and work hard. And it really does give me so much inspiration and probably that’s the selfish reason that I keep going back is to continue to be inspired by our young leaders.”


Listen to the full interview below


Kamala Harris Talks Family & God “Your Faith Is A Verb”  was originally published on getuperica.com